
This section describes the internal project structure.

Folder Structure

This is a simplified folder structure of the tiscamera project:

├── cmake
│   └── modules
├── data - static data that is neither compiled or generated
│   ├── images - logos, icons, camera images, etc.
│   ├── systemd - systemd units
│   ├── udev - udev rules for usb cameras, see Udev
│   └── uvc-extensions - description files for UVC extension units, see UVC
├── doc - documentation infrastructure
│   ├── images
│   ├── pages
│   │   ├── images
│   │   ├── _static
│   │   └── _templates
├── examples - code examples to help with understanding
│   ├── c
│   └── python
├── external - third party software
│   ├── aravis
│   ├── catch - C++ test framework
│   ├── CLI11
│   ├── fmt-7.1.3
│   ├── json
│   ├── outcome
│   └── PugiXml
│   ├── spdlog
├── libs - collection of helper libraries, not external projects
│   ├── dutils_image - simplified version of tiscamera-dutils algorithms
│   ├── gst-helper - helper libraries for gstreamer elements
│   └── tcam-property - tcam-property GObject library
├── packaging - resources for the creation of binary distributions
│   └── deb
├── scripts - helper scripts, see Scripts
├── src - general source directory
│   ├── aravis - aravis backend
│   ├── gstreamer-1.0 - gstreamer modules
│   │   ├── tcamconvert - files related to the tcamconvert gstreamer plugin
│   │   ├── tcamgstbase - collection of shared gstreamer functionality
│   │   └── tcamsrc - files related to the tcamconvert gstreamer plugin
│   ├── libusb - libusb-1.0 backend
│   ├── tcam-network - network helper library
│   └── v4l2 - v4l2 backend
├── tests - verification code, see Tests
│   ├── integration
│   │   └── start_stop
│   └── unit
│   ├── gstreamer-1.0
│   └── tcam-network
└── tools - directory for applications
├── tcam-capture
├── tcam-ctrl
├── tcam-gigetool


This section describes the purpose behind the different libraries.


The main library. Device indexing, property mappings, etc. is done here. The backends are also contained in this library.


gobject-introspection library. Used by all gstreamer modules.


Common network functionality. Used by tcam-gige-daemon and tcam-gigetool


uvc extension loading functionality. Used by tcam-uvc-extension-loader.


Common functionality that is shared between the tcam gstreamer elements.


Tiscamera will start multiple threads in the background. The following is an overview over these.

  • Indexing An internal device indexing thread will run periodically to ensure all potential devices are known and accessible to the user.
  • Internal capture thread This thread is responsible for image acquisition. It will call the auto algorithms for further processing.
  • Auto algorithms This thread checks for exposure corrections, white balance and other before passing the image buffer to gstreamer.
  • Streaming thread This is the thread tcamsrc and internal elements reside in. It will wait for a new image buffer to be given and pass it to downstream elements.
  • GStreamer thread The main gstreamer thread. Responsible for message handling and state changes. Typically implicitly started by the user application.
  • Device lost thread Security thread for the propagation of device lost events. Idle unless such an event occurs.