IC LabVIEW Extension Reference: IC_RestoreState


Reads a device setup file and opens the device described in the file. If no path is specified, a dialog pops up to let the user select a file.

Reference in ICImagingControl In is the reference to an instance of IC Imaging Control.
Path in File Path to device setup file. If this path is empty, a dialog will be displayed allowing the user to select a file.
Bool in Color specifies whether the device shall be opened to grab color or monochrome images.
Cluster in Error In describes error conditions that occurred before this VI or function was executed. The default is no error. If an error occurred before this VI or function was executed, the VI or function passes the Error In value to Error Out.
Reference out ICImagingControl Out returns the reference that was passed to ICImagingControl In.
Cluster out Error Out contains error information. If Error In indicates that an error occurred before this VI or function was executed, Error Out contains the error information that was passed to Error In. Otherwise, it describes the error status that this VI or function generates.