Features.feature_n Property

Return the n-th feature.
String AFeature = Feature.GetFeature("feature_1");

This feature is read only.


This plugin supports different video capture devices that support different features themselfs. In order to create a list of available features, the feature_n feature was invented. "n" starts at 1 and ends, if the returned string is empty.


The following example source shows how to fill two combo boxes with the available features and execute commands. The feature combobox is named cboFeatures, the execute commands combo box is named cboExecutes.

ICogImagingDeviceAccess Feature = Camera.OwnedImagingDeviceAccess; String FeatureIndex; String FeatureName = "n/a"; int i = 1; while(FeatureName != "") { FeatureIndex = String.Format("feature_{0}", i); FeatureName = Feature.GetFeature(FeatureIndex); if (FeatureName != "") { cboFeatures.Items.Add(FeatureName); i++; } } String ExecuteIndex; String ExecuteName = "n/a"; i = 1; while (ExecuteName != "") { ExecuteIndex = String.Format("execute_{0}", i); ExecuteName = Feature.GetFeature(ExecuteIndex); if (ExecuteName != "") { cboExecutes.Items.Add(ExecuteName); i++; } }

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