ICImagingControl.MemorySnapImageSequence Method

This method captures a sequence of still images from a live video stream and stores the images in a list of internal buffers. The images can be saved to individual files using the ICImagingControl.MemorySaveImageSequence method.
Public Sub MemorySnapImageSequence(ImageCount As Long)
Parameter Description

Specifies number of images to be captured.


In the capture continuous mode MemorySnapImageSequence does nothing.

If the LiveCapturePause property is set to True, MemorySnapImageSequence is paused. It will wait for a new frame, until the timeout occurs or the LiveCapturePause property is set to False.

See also: ICImagingControl, ICImagingControl.MemorySaveImageSequence, ICImagingControl.ImageRingBufferSize, ICImagingControl.LiveCapturePause

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