InputChannels.FindIndex Method

Searches the collection for a given string. The string contains the name of an input channel.
Public Function FindIndex(Name As String) As Long
Parameter Description

Specifies the name of the input channel for which to search in the collection.

Return Value:

If the property Name of an InputChannel object is equal to the given string, the FindIndex method returns the index of this object in the collection. If the string is not found, the FindIndex method returns -1.


This Basic example tests whether the "00 Video: SVideo" channel is available:

Dim InpCol As InputChannels
Dim Index As long
Set InpCol = ICImagingControl1.InputChannels
Index = InpCol.FindIndex("00 Video: SVideo")
If Index = -1 Then
    ' input channel not available
    ' do something
End If

Selecting devices, input channels, video norms and video formats is shown in the Making Device Settings chapter.

See also: InputChannels, InputChannel, InputChannels.Count, InputChannels.Item

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