OverlayBitmap.ReleaseDC Method

This method releases the device context of the OverlayBitmap object.
					Public Sub ReleaseDC( hdc As Long )

Parameter Description

Specifies the DC to release.


Run time only. Only after ICImagingControl.LiveStart has been called once.


If a device context is no longer used, an application must call ReleaseDC to release it. Not releasing a device context causes handle leaks.


This Basic example demonstrates how to retrieve and release the device context used by the OverlayBitmap object

Dim ob As OverlayBitmap
Dim obDC As Long

Set ob = ICImagingControl1.OverlayBitmap
obDC = ob.GetDC
If obDC <> 0 Then
    ' Some GDI graphic functions can be performed now.
    ob.ReleaseDC obDC
End If
See also: OverlayBitmap, OverlayBitmap.GetDC

<< ICImagingControl.OverlayBitmap