Distributing your Applications

Required Files:

The following lists the files necessary for IC Imaging Control to operate properly. You must ensure that the files exist on your client's machine. If your client's machine has older versions of these files, you should update them.

The default IC Imaging control installation path is My Documents\IC Imaging Control 3.5. Please keep in mind, that the name "My Documents" is localized to your operating systems language. The binary files can be found in the redist\c++\win32 folder for 32 bit applications and in redist\c++\x64 for 64 bit applications.

The 64 bit versions of the files all have the text _x64 in their file names.

The following runtime DLL is needed:

For 32 bit applications:

For 64 bit applications :

This DLL should be present in the directory of your applications executable.

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