Standard Interface GUIDs

The Standard Interface GUIDs are used to find interface objects of a IVCDPropertyElement.
The interface of a IVCDPropertyElement determines the handling of the regarded property element. For example, an auto element should be handled by a switch interface. The GUID is passed to the IVCDPropertyElement::getInterface method to get the desired interface.
The Basic Use of VCD Properties article in the Programmer's Guide shows how to use the interface GUIDs.
Constant Description
VCDInterface_Range Finds an IVCDRangeProperty.
VCDInterface_Switch Finds an IVCDSwitchProperty.
VCDInterface_Button Finds an IVCDButtonProperty.
VCDInterface_MapStrings Finds an IVCDMapStringsProperty.
VCDInterface_AbsoluteValue Finds an IVCDAbsoluteValueProperty.

<< Constants