saveToFileTIFF Method

This function saves the contents of an image buffer to a TIFF file.
Error saveToFileTIFF( const IFrame& buf, const std::string& filename );
Error saveToFileTIFF( const IFrame& buf, const std::wstring& filename );
Error saveToFileTIFF( const IFrame& buf, const wchar_t* pFilename );

Parameter Description

The buffer that is to be saved.


Specifies the filename of the TIFF file.


Specifies the filename of the TIFF file.

Return value:

This method returns an error object. If successful, it is set to eNOERROR. If the format of the image buffer can not be converted to TIFF, eINVALID_PARAM_VAL is returned. If the file can not be written, the error status is eWRITE_ERROR.


This method only supports image buffer formats Y800, Y16, RGB24, RGB32 and RGB64.


Namespace: DShowLib
Introduced in version 3.3


The following sample shows how to snap an image and save it to a TIFF file.

if( m_Grabber.isLive())
    // This cast is only valid, if we have previously assigned a FrameHandlerSink to the grabber.
    tFrameHandlerSinkPtr pSink = static_smart_ptr_cast<FrameHandlerSink>(m_Grabber.getSinkTypePtr() );
    Error err = pSink->snapImages( 1 );
    if( !err.isError() )
        DShowLib::saveToFileTIFF( *pSink->getLastAcqMemBuffer(), "Testimage.tiff" );

See also: IFrame, MemBuffer, saveToFileBMP, saveToFileJPEG

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