IVCDPropertyItems::findInterfacePtr Method

Searches the collection for a IVCDPropertyInterface with a given combination of item, element and interface id. In contrast to the findInterface method, this method has a templated output parameter, and the found and the type of this parameter is queried from the found interface.
// VC 6:
template<class TItf>
TItf findInterfacePtr( const GUID& itemID, const GUID& elementID, TItf& pRval )
// VC 7.1:
template<class TItf>
smart_com<TItf> findInterfacePtr( const GUID& itemID, const GUID& elementID, smart_com<TItf>& pRval )

Name Description

Item ID of the interface to be searched for. For a list of available GUIDs, see Standard Property Item GUIDs.


Element ID of the interface for which to search. For a list of available GUIDs, see Standard Element GUIDs.


Pointer to IVCDPropertyInterface-derived class. When the method succeeds, this parameter points to the found and queried interface, otherwise it is 0.

Return Value:

When the method succeeds, it returns the found and queried interface, otherwise 0.

See also: IVCDPropertyItems

<< IVCDPropertyItems