OverlayBitmap::getDropOutColor Method

Returns the currently used dropout color.
COLORREF getDropOutColor() const;
Return value:

The currently used dropout color. It can be used in the OverlayBitmap::fill method to clear the overlay bitmap.


This example demonstrates how to fill the complete overlay bitmap with the color magenta - the current dropout color. This makes the complete overlay bitmap transparent on the video stream.

smart_ptr<DShowLib::OverlayBitmap> pOverlayBitmap;
pOverlayBitmap = m_Grabber.getOverlay( ePP_DEVICE );
pOverlayBitmap->setDropOutColor( RGB(255,0,255));   // Magenta
// Fill the bitmap with the dropout color to make it completely transparent.

See also: OverlayBitmap, OverlayBitmap::setDropOutColor, OverlayBitmap::fill

<< OverlayBitmap