FrameQueueSink.QueueBuffer Method

Queues one or more IFrameQueueBuffers into the queued buffer list.
public bool QueueBuffer( IFrameQueueBuffer newBuffer ); public bool QueueBuffer( IEnumerable<IFrameQueueBuffer> newBufferList );
Parameter Description

The new IFrameQueueBuffer to queue into the sink.


The enumeration of new IFrameQueueBuffers to queue into the sink.


Returns true on success.

Returns false when the buffers could not be queued, because the sink is currently not connected. (E.g. the sink is stopped concurrently to this operation).

When one or more buffers have a incompatible FrameType an ICException is thrown.


This method queues the passed in buffers into the queued buffer list (retrievable via FrameQueueSink.PopAllInputQueueBuffers ).

If the IFrame.FrameType of one buffer to be queued is not compatible to FrameQueueSink.OutputFrameType an ICException is thrown.


Introduced in version 3.5

See also: FrameQueueSink, IFrameQueueBuffer, FrameQueueSink.OutputFrameType

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