FrameSnapSink.SnapSingle Method

Waits for a single image to arrive and then returns the result
public IFrameQueueBuffer SnapSingle( TimeSpan timeout ); public IFrameQueueBuffer SnapSingle( IFrameQueueBuffer bufferToSnapInto, TimeSpan timeout );
Parameter Description

Contains the maximum time the sink waits for a new image to arrive. When the timeout elapses ICException is thrown.

Note: This time does not take into account any time it spends on creating IFrameQueueBuffer instances.


A target buffer to copy the arriving data into. This buffer must have the same FrameType as the sink. If not a ICException is thrown.


On success returns a IFrameQueueBuffer that was filled with the data of the frame that just came in.

When no IFrameQueueBuffer was passed in, the sink creates a FrameQueueBuffer before waiting for a new image from the device.


Introduced in version 3.5

See also : FrameSnapSink, IFrameQueueBuffer, ICException

<< FrameSnapSink