OverlayBitmap.DrawLine Method

This method draws a line on the live video.
public void DrawLine( System.Drawing.Color clr, int XStart, int YStart, int XEnd, int YEnd );
Parameter Description
color, clr

Specifies the color of the line.

startcolumn, XStart

Specifies the column in pixel units where the line should start on the live video.

startrow, YStart

Specifies the row in pixel units where the line should start on the live video.

endcolumn, XEnd

Specifies the column in pixel units where the line should end on the live video.

endrow, YEnd

Specifies the row in pixel units where the line should end on the live video.


Run time only. Only after ICImagingControl.LiveStart has been called once.


This example demonstrates how to draw a line on the live video.

OverlayBitmap ob = ICImagingControl1.OverlayBitmapAtPath[PathPositions.Device]; ob.DrawLine(System.Drawing.Color.Red, 10, 10, 10, 250);
See also: OverlayBitmap, ICImagingControl.LiveStart

<< ICImagingControl.OverlayBitmap