MemBufferCollection::getBuffer Method

Returns a smart_ptr to the MemBuffer with the specified index. This method returns 0, if the MemBufferCollection is not initialized or the given index is greater than the number of contained buffers (see MemBufferCollection::getBufferCount ).
Grabber::tMemBufferPtr getBuffer( DWORD pos ) const;
Parameter Description

Specifies the position of the buffer within the MemBufferCollection. The first buffer is at position 0.

Return value:

A pointer to the MemBuffer, or 0 on error.


Returns 0, if the MemBufferCollection is not initialized or if the given index is greater than the number of contained buffers (see MemBufferCollection::getBufferCount ).

See also: MemBufferCollection, MemBufferCollection::getBufferCount

<< MemBufferCollection