OverlayBitmap::drawSolidRect Method

Draws a solid rectangle on the live video.
bool drawSolidRect( COLORREF color, const RECT& rect );
Parameter Description

Specifies the color of the rectangle. The color can be specified with the RGB macro.


The rectangle to be drawn in pixel coordinates. A CRect object or a RECT structure can be passed for this parameter.

Return value:

true on success, false otherwise.


This example demonstrates how draw two rectangles on the live video stream.

smart_ptr<DShowLib::OverlayBitmap> pOverlayBitmap;
pOverlayBitmap = m_Grabber.getOverlay( ePP_DEVICE );
// Make sure, the overlay is enabled.
// Draw a rectangle in magenta, using a CRect object.
pOverlayBitmap->drawSolidRect( RGB(255,0,255),
// Draw a rectangle in blue, using a RECT structure.
RECT rectangle;
rectangle.left   = 160;
rectangle.right  = 200;
rectangle.top    = 160;
rectangle.bottom = 180;
pOverlayBitmap->drawSolidRect( RGB(0,0,255),    rectangle);

See also: OverlayBitmap, OverlayBitmap::drawText, OverlayBitmap::drawLine, OverlayBitmap::drawFrameRect, OverlayBitmap::drawSolidEllipse, OverlayBitmap::drawFrameEllipse

<< OverlayBitmap