IFrameFilter::setData Method

Sets a data parameter. A data parameter allows the user to copy a raw blob into the filter.
tFilterError setData( const std::string& name, void* pData, size_t length );
tFilterError setData( const std::wstring& name, void* pData, size_t length );

Parameter Description

The name of the data parameter to be set.


A pointer to the data to be set. Has to be at least length bytes in length.


Length of the data pointed to by pData.

Return Value:

A member of the tFilterError enumeration:

Value Description
eNO_ERROR The data was set successfully.
ePARAM_NOT_FOUND The filter does not have a parameter with the specified name. To obtain a list with the valid parameters, use getAvailableParameters.
eINCOMPATIBLE_PARAM_VALUE name is not a data parameter. To obtain a list with the valid parameters and its types, use getAvailableParameters.
eINVALID_PARAM_VALUE The value was not accepted, e.g. the data length is not what the filter expected.
eINVALID_FILTER_STATE The filter could not accept the parameter, because it is in a state that prevents the data from being changed, e.g. in live mode.


All calls to setData have to be inside a beginParamTransfer /endParamTransfer block.

See also: IFrameFilter, IFrameFilter::getData, IFrameFilter::getDataLength, IFrameFilter::getAvailableParameters

<< IFrameFilter