New classes

List of the classes that have been added in IC Imaging Control 3.5


DriverFrameDropInformationData contains data queried from the driver about how many frames were dropped sind the last start.


FrameMetadata contains frame meta data like sample times and frame number.


FrameExtensions is a collection of extension methods that provide common operations on IFrame objects, such as saving the image data or converting the image data into a System.Drawing.Bitmap object.


The IFrameNotificationSinkListener is used to receive callbacks from a FrameNotificationSink.


The FrameNotificationSink is the most direct way to get images from a video capture device. This means that no copy will be done from driver memory to application memory.


The IFrameQueueBuffer is an interface to an image buffer. This interface is used by FrameQueueSink and FrameSnapSink to refer to image buffers.


The static FrameQueueBuffer class contains factory functions to create objects implementing IFrameQueueBuffer that can be used with FrameSnapSink and FrameQueueSink to capture image data.


IFrameQueueSinkListener is the interface used by the FrameQueueSink to notfiy about state changes and provide a new frame callback.


The FrameQueueSink is the preferred sink if the application's task requires processing all frames in a video stream.


The FrameSnapSink is a sink type used to grab a number frames from the video stream on demand.

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